William Eskridge’s Country-Changing Legacy

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By Debra Bruno
June 4, 2018

Bill Eskridge说威廉·埃斯克里奇改变了美国历史一点也不为过. 事实上,有人可能会问,他对这个国家的哪个方面影响最大.

Was it introducing statutory interpretation to law schools, 在他写那本开创性的案例书之前,这个研究领域只受到了轻微的、过时的关注?


或者在1996年的一本书和后来的一份法庭之友简报中帮助支持同性婚姻,这份简报为2015年的美国同性婚姻法案奠定了基础.S. Supreme Court decision Obergefell v. Hodges?

这些成就中的任何一项都足以轻易地阻止华盛顿的名人谈话, but Eskridge, the John A. Garver Professor of Jurisprudence at Yale Law School, admits that law wasn’t even his first career choice.

1974年左右,他从戴维森学院(Davidson College)获得历史学位,然后在哈佛大学(Harvard)完成了几乎所有的历史博士学位要求, he says, “the market for Ph.D. historians collapsed.由于他的祖父和祖父都是靠谱的滚球平台,他决定去读法学院. “这基本上是我的后备职业选择,但我对法律并没有特别的兴趣,”他说.

It worked out. In fact, 芝加哥大学布莱恩·雷特的法学院报告将埃斯克里奇在2010年至2014年美国被引用次数最多的10位法学院中排名第六.

How Eskridge, 66, went from a young man with, as he says, 对一个法律明星来说,“没有就业技能”是一个关于他的智慧的故事, hard work, and academic interest in issues of tolerance and exile, themes that led him to some fascinating legal work.

他在哈佛的研究领域之一是玛丽安流亡者的政治思想, 他们是16世纪逃离罗马天主教女王玛丽一世统治的英格兰的新教徒. That research expanded his interest in tolerance, 这与他在大学时意识到自己是一名未出柜的同性恋有关,当时同性恋被认为是一种精神疾病,同性恋性行为在许多州都是非法的.

It’s another reason he began his work life in Washington. 他说:“我无法想象在我长大的南方农村做一个同性恋者。.

After serving as a law clerk, he took a job at Shea & Gardner, 他说他在哪里从一些非传统的客户那里学到了国际法和法规, including the Islamic Republic of Iran.

One big lesson from his time at Shea, he says, 是在学习程序和“法律的道德实践”——以及如何成为一名成功的靠谱的滚球平台,在赢得案件的同时又要非常有道德.他补充道:“这确实意味着你必须更加努力地工作。.

Ultimately, though, his goal was to become a law professor. He landed at the University of Virginia School of Law. 尽管立法和法律解释一直是他在D.C., he was astounded to learn that few law schools taught it. 1982年,他和一位同事在弗吉尼亚大学开设了一门关于这一主题的课程, 这导致了一本书成为该领域最早的案例之一.

It wasn’t his only important work at UVA. 他还从他早期在靠谱的滚球平台事务所的工作中意识到,房屋销售交易的结构是为了让潜在的购房者进入抵押贷款,而很少调查购房者是否真的有资格获得抵押贷款. “买家被诱导承担了比理性思考时多得多的风险,” he says.

It was the beginning of the age of adjustable rate mortgages, 销售压力说服人们购买他们不一定负担得起的房子, and very little regulation to prevent massive foreclosures — which, of course, is what eventually happened. 埃斯克里奇试图发出警告,他写道,消费者承担的风险太大了. 他说,他是唯一一个预见到住房危机的法律学者.

即使有这样的投资组合,埃斯克里奇说,他在1985年被弗吉尼亚大学拒绝了终身教职. 部分原因可能与他的一些政治活动有关, he says, 比如他努力说服学校停止在南非的投资, which was operating under apartheid.

But part of it, he suspects, was that he was gay. (In 2009, 当时国会正在审议待定的《靠谱的足球滚球平台》, 埃斯克里奇在他的证词中引用了他拒绝在弗吉尼亚大学任职的例子,作为基于性取向和性别认同的工作场所歧视的一个例子. Paul Mahoney, dean of the law school at the time Eskridge made the allegations, said Eskridge was not denied tenure, “but was deferred for future consideration,” and that his sexual orientation played no part in the decision.)

埃斯克里奇离开弗吉尼亚大学,开始在乔治城大学法律中心任教, where he made it clear he was gay. In fact, 他应华盛顿同性恋靠谱的滚球平台协会(GAYLAW)的邀请,代表华盛顿州的一对同性恋夫妇.C. seeking the right to marry. 他还组织了一个GAYLAW读书会,这个读书会已经持续了26年. Reviewing Eskridge’s 1996 book, 同性婚姻的案例:从性自由到文明承诺, Judge Richard Posner called Eskridge “a prophet before his time.”

At the same time at Georgetown, 埃斯克里奇还与现任教授南·亨特(Nan Hunter)合作撰写了《靠谱的足球滚球平台》一书, Gender, and the Law, the first casebook to conceptualize the developing field. 在2003年具有里程碑意义的劳伦斯诉劳伦斯案中,埃斯克里奇为卡托研究所撰写的法庭之友简报和一篇法律评论文章都被最高法院引用为多数意见. Texas, invalidating consensual sodomy laws.

Now at Yale, Eskridge teaches courses in constitutional law, legislation, sexuality, gender and the law, statutory interpretation, and regulation. 他正在写一本关于婚姻争论的书,以美国女性为主角.

“Women as decision makers have been the key to gay rights,” he says. 他觉得尽管最高法院对奥贝格费尔案的裁决改变了婚姻平等的地位, “the conversation continues.” In fact, he says, the U.S. Constitution is always at peril.

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